March 8, 2016 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

Cuccinelli’s Record on LGBT Issues Makes Him Unfit for the Bench

by Democratic Party of Virginia

Over the coming hours, DPVA will highlight different reasons why

Cuccinelli would be a damaging choice for Virginia's Supreme Court.

Other reasons Cuccinelli is unfit for the bench: 

#1: Cuccinelli's record on women's health 

Here is a sampling of Cuccinelli's record on LGBT issues

Said the “homosexual agenda” brings “brings nothing but self-destruction, not only physically but of their soul” [Washington Post, 2/05/08]

Said homosexual acts are “intrinsically wrong” and “they don’t comport with natural law” and claimed homosexuals “choose” to be homosexuals and society shouldn’t “encourage” that type of behavior or “alter our law to make people feel good”  [Virginian Pilot Editorial, 10/26/09; Susan Baer, Washingtonian, April 2011]

Voted against overturning Virginia’s antiquated sodomy law which criminalizes consensual, private relations by up to five years in prison and a $2,500 fine [Senate Bill 477, 2004, and The Roanoke Times, 2/12/04]

Said he fought gay marriage so that “sex-based relationships wouldn't be forced on the rest of society as if those relationships were normal.” [Connection Newspapers, 1/14/04]

 Said, “The militant homosexual agenda generally threatens the stability of our families and our society. I want a resolution to say we want to keep things the way they are in Virginia.” [Connection Newspapers, 1/14/04]

Tried to force Virginia's public colleges and universities to end policies that ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation including for faculty, employees and students. [Washington Post, 3/6/10]

 Opposed adoption by gay couples, directed the state Department of Social Services it could not ban discrimination by adoption agencies based on sexual orientation  [UPI, 4/14/11]

One of fourteen Senators to oppose private companies allowing employees to add domestic partners to their health care plans—Virginia was the only state to prohibit this .” [The Washington Post, 02/25/05, and Senate Bill 1338, 2005]

 As AG, Cuccinelli advised Gov. McDonnell to drop an executive order allowing state employees to add domestic partners to their health care plans [Roanoke Times Editorial, 2/01/10]

Sponsored legislation calling on Congress to pass a Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships [Richmond Times Dispatch, 2/18/04]

Voted to prohibit civil unions sanctioned in other states from being recognized in Virginia [The Associated Press State & Local Wire, 3/10/04]