Democratic Party of Virginia Chairwoman Susan Swecker today released the following statement on Culpeper Delegate Nick Freitas joining neo-Confederate sympathizer Corey Stewart in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate:
"If the Republican field were any further to the right, they'd be fifty miles off of Virginia Beach. This extremist duo of candidates in the race supports Donald Trump's dangerous plans, and neither of them would put Virginia families before their nutty agenda.
"Nick Freitas has been a vocal champion of the restrictive anti-woman 'personhood' amendment, proudly supported harsh anti-LGBTQ legislation, trashed Medicaid expansion, bragged about his NRA endorsement, and praised the passage of the disastrous Senate Republican tax bill. The fact that Freitas is now allegedly the 'moderate' establishment alternative shows just how out-of-touch the Republican Party of Virginia is. There is not a dime's worth of difference between the two of them.
"Virginians cannot afford to hand this Senate seat over to a rubberstamp for Donald Trump. We need to reelect Tim Kaine, so he can keep fighting to expand health care, grow the economy, and protect us at home and abroad. In 2018, we will do just that."