Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA) Chairwoman Susan Swecker released the following statement on Governor McAuliffe vetoing legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and other women's health centers:
"Today Governor McAuliffe stood with Planned Parenthood, Virginia Democrats, and women across the Commonwealth when he vetoed House Bill 1090. He also sent an unmistakable message about the importance of electing leaders who put health care and economic growth ahead of an extreme and divisive social agenda.
"Planned Parenthood centers provide vital health services to more than 22,000 women in Virginia and the Republican General Assembly sought to impose their views upon Virginia women once again. As usual, those who would be most affected by the anti-women measure are low-income Virginians who depend on services provided by Planned Parenthood. Many would have nowhere else to turn if Governor McAuliffe had not stopped the proposed legislation.
"When he ran for office, Governor McAuliffe promised to be a brick wall against any legislation limiting women's rights. His veto today demonstrates his pledge to be the safeguard against General Assembly Republicans determined to strip women of their dignity and basic rights."