Richmond, VA — Today, Fox News talking head Pete Snyder laid down a clear marker in the chaotic Republican primary: nothing but absolute support for Donald Trump is enough. This morning, Pete Snyder took the time to make it absolutely clear to the rest of the field that in the reckless sprint to the right that is the GOP primary, fully supporting Donald Trump is a requirement. Snyder’s Trumpy rant included the following highlights:
- “I think Donald Trump's policies were phenomenal.”
- “We greatly miss the president's policies right now.”
- “We were happy to donate nearly $50,000 to the Trump campaigns in ‘16 and ‘20.”
- “I was honored to be a delegate for the president in this past year, in 2020. It means a lot.”
- “[Trump’s] policies are sound -- the policies are fantastic.”
- “Every single architect of Trump's immigration policy is backing me for governor of Virginia.”
- “We are going to make sure that we have ‘America First’ policies in Virginia.”
Pete Snyder and the rest of the field are desperately scrambling to catch up to frontrunner Amanda “Trump in heels” Chase in this primary, and is now trying to match her support for Donald Trump. Now, every other candidate in the weak, crowded Republican field will have to follow suit.
“Pete Snyder has made it clear that this disastrous Republican primary hinges on one question: who supports Donald Trump the most?” said Manuel Bonder, DPVA spokesman. “Pete Snyder’s blind loyalty to Donald Trump and his disastrous policies — from inhumane family separations to gutting the Affordable Care Act — is just another example of how out of touch and extreme the Republicans running for governor are.”