In the past week alone, some of Donald Trump’s closest political allies — including chief economic advisor Gary Cohn and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie — have condemned his response to the hateful violence in Charlottesville.
Yet even as the President’s inner circle begins to publicly rebuke him, Ed Gillespie is moving closer and closer to the President. For sixteen days, Gillespie now has refused to speak out against Donald Trump’s reaction to Charlottesville.
Instead of distancing himself from Trump, Gillespie has actually embraced the President and aligned himself even more closely with his politics. On Wednesday, the Gillespie campaign took the unusual step of blocking two women who wanted to ask about censuring the President from attending an event in Charlottesville — despite the fact that they had tickets. And the next day, Trump co-chair John Fredericks broke the news that the Gillespie campaign had hired former Trump and Corey Stewart staffer Jack Morgan.
Here’s a review of the past seven days in which Ed Gillespie doubled down on his support of the President:
Day 9: Eric Cantor Calls Out Donald Trump
Day 10: Republicans Across Virginia and the Country Have Denounced Donald Trump
Day 11: Politico: Christie calls Trump's 'both sides' remarks 'just wrong,' says he should apologize to nation
Day 12: New York Times: The People in Trump’s Orbit Who Rebuked Him After Charlottesville
Day 13: Daily Progress: Select ticketholders turned away from private Garrett-Gillespie event
Day 14: With Jack Morgan Onboard, The Trump-Ification Of Ed Gillespie Is Well On Its Way
Day 15: New York Times: Gary Cohn, Trump’s Adviser, Said to Have Drafted Resignation Letter After Charlottesville |