...If all of this didn't convince you, perhaps some of his conspiracy theories will.
#1: Cuccinelli's record on women's health
#2: Cuccinelli's record on LGBT issues
#3: Cuccinelli's multiple conflict of interest scandals
#5: Cuccinelli's record on the Violence Against Women Act
#6: Cuccinelli's own party thinks he's too extreme
#7: Ken Cuccinelli's crusade against climate change science
Here is a sampling of Cuccinelli's conspiracy theories:
Agreed “Obama is Going to Have His Attorney General Indict Our Current Governor,” Said “There Are Days I Have That in the Front of My Mind”
In July 2013, Cuccinelli agreed with a man at a town hall meeting who speculated that President Obama would indict Governor McDonnell in October. The Virginian-Pilot reported, “Most of the queries from the friendly crowd were policy-oriented, giving the GOP candidate a chance to pitch his platform. One member of the audience, however, had a strategic concern. ‘Obama is going to have his attorney general indict our current governor,’ the man said. ‘And he’s going to drop that bomb on everybody in October. I hope you have that in the back of your mind.’ Cuccinelli replied: ‘There are days I have that in the front of my mind.’” [Virginian-Pilot, 7/16/13]
Did Not Want Social Security Number for His Youngest Son for Fear of Government Tracking
In June 2009, the Washington Post reported, “A video clip making the rounds on GOP and Democratic blogs shows Cuccinelli at a spring campaign event saying that he might not obtain a Social Security number for his seventh child out of fear that it ‘is being used to track you.’” [Washington Post, 6/12/09; Video]
Cuccinelli Implied Obama Not Born in the United States, Said “The Speculation is Kenya”
In March 2010, the Washington Independent posted an interview from an unknown date in which Cuccinelli doubted Obama’s citizenship, stating, “Someone is going to have to come forward with nailed down testimony that he was born in place B, wherever that is. You know, the speculation is Kenya. And that doesn’t seem beyond the realm of possibility.” [Washington Independent, 3/15/10, Video]
HEADLINE: “Ken Cuccinelli Suggested Planned Parenthood Is Racist” [Politico, 5/28/13]
Politico: Cuccinelli Has Drawn Connections “Between Planned Parenthood And Racism”
In May 2013, Politico reported: “Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has said he won’t defend the statements of lieutenant governor candidate E.W. Jackson, including his assertion that Planned Parenthood has ‘been far more lethal to black lives than the KKK.’ But Cuccinelli, too, has drawn similar connections between Planned Parenthood and racism.” [Politico, 5/28/13]
Cuccinelli: “Let’s Dispense with the Outrageous Notion” that Sex Ed Reduces Teen Pregnancy
In 2008, Cuccinelli wrote a letter to the editor of the Virginian-Pilot defending his amendment to defund Planned Parenthood by arguing that sexual education programs sponsored by Planned Parenthood were a marketing tool for the organization. He wrote, “Finally, let’s dispense with the outrageous notion that Planned Parenthood is reducing teenage pregnancy on some mythical altruistic basis. Planned Parenthood reduces teen pregnancy by providing abortions, which both makes Planned Parenthood a lot of money and ends a pregnancy. Planned Parenthood’s sex-ed programs in our schools are what a marketing executive might call a "loss leader," used to introduce their organization and all it has to offer, e.g., abortion on demand, to our children. I believe most Virginians agree with me that such an organization should not receive the hard-earned tax dollars of Virginia’s citizens.” [Cuccinelli Letter to the Editor, Virginian-Pilot, 3/7/08]
Cuccinelli: Medicare and Social Security “Make People Dependent on Government”
He wrote in his book The Last Line of Defense, “One of their favorite ways to increase their power is by creating programs that dispense subsidized government benefits, such as Medicare, Social Security, and outright welfare (Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, and the like). These programs make people dependent on government. And once people are dependent, they feel they can’t afford to have the programs taken away, no matter how inefficient, poorly run, or costly to the rest of society.” [Washington Post, 1/30/13]
Cuccinelli Wrote Medicare and Social Security Created by "Bad Politicians" to "Grow Government," Called Government Benefits like Medicare and Social Security “Goodies”
He wrote in his book The Last Line of Defense, “Sometimes bad politicians set out to grow government in order to increase their own power and influence. This phenomenon doesn’t just happen in Washington; it happens at all levels of government. The amazing this is that they often grow government without protest from citizens, and sometimes they even get buy-in from citizens — at least from the ones getting the goodies.” [Washington Post, 1/30/13]
Cuccinelli Would Target Anti-Pollution Regulations, Calling Environmental Movement a “Shell” for Plots to Destroy Capitalism
In October 2009, Robert McCarthy wrote in the Washington Post that Cuccinelli would take on anti-pollution regulations because he believed the environmental movement was designed to end capitalism. He wrote, “Anti-pollution regulations could be a target, as Cuccinelli told College of William and Mary students Sept. 20, ‘The environmental movement has been used more than any other movement in the last 25 years as a shell for people who have a different agenda, and that is to destroy and get rid of capitalism.’” [Robert McCarthy, Washington Post, 10/22/09]
Cuccinelli Criticized Public Pools in Recent Book for Cutting into the “Liberty Pie”
In his recent book The Last Line of Defense, he writes, “Many localities, for instance, build big public recreation centers with pools, racquetball courts, and workout facilities. That sounds great, and they’re certainly fun to use, so what’s the problem? The problem is that government is competing with privately owned businesses…Because government’s ability to crowd out private activity not only reduces economic efficiencies and the power of the free market, but also theopportunities of entrepreneurs and the choices of consumers, citizens’ liberties once again finds itself reduced to a smaller and smaller sliver of the liberty pie.” [The Last Line of Defense, Page 240]
Suggested Obama Stole the 2012 Presidential Election
In November 2012, Think Progress reported, “Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) told a radio host he completely agreed with her assertion that investigations are needed to determine why President Obama lost “every one” of the states with photo identification requirements for voting, yet won re-election. Cuccinelli, who has lost most of the major legal cases he has brought since taking office in 2010, told the host she was ‘preaching to the choir.’” [Think Progress, 11/27/12]