June 19, 2024 News & Press Releases

DPVA Statement On MAGA Extremist Hung Cao Becoming The Republican Nominee

by DPVA Press

Richmond, VA – DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker released the following statement on Hung Cao becoming the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate: 

“After a nasty primary filled with infighting, Hung Cao is entering the race for U.S. Senate scandal-ridden and ridiculed by his fellow Republicans. 

“Cao is a MAGA extremist who only looks out for himself, not Virginians. He is an elitist who denigrated rural Virginia as ‘podunk,’and thinks it is ‘ridonkulous,’ to listen to people he seeks to represent.   

“We look forward to holding MAGA Extremist Hung Cao accountable for his out-of-touch extremist record. If he got his way, MAGA Extremist Hung Cao would be a vote for a national abortion ban, repealing the Affordable Care Act, raising taxes on the middle class, and putting Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block. 

“Virginians know what is at stake in this election, which is why they will re-elect Senator Kaine because he will protect Virginians’ fundamental rights, make sure seniors can retire with dignity, and cut taxes for working families.” 

Here’s what you need to know about MAGA Extremist Hung Cao:  

  • Hung Cao has made clear he supports Donald Trump every chance he gets, while Virginians have rejected Trump and his dangerous agenda twice. Cao has said he is a “MAGA Republican” and in the “Trump America First camp.” Since receiving Trump’s endorsement, Cao has sucked up to Trump on X numerous times, including a photo of the two with the caption “MAGA!” 
  • Hung Cao is an anti-choice extremist who believes life begins at conception, which would put IVF and certain firms of birth control at risk, was “thrilled” that Roe v. Wade was overturned, and would be an automatic vote for a national abortion ban. He has disgustingly compared abortion to the Holocaust and said he saw the same evil in the eyes of a bomb maker as he does an abortion rights supporter.  
  • Hung Cao supports Florida Senator Rick Scott for Senate Republican Leader and praised Scott's plan to put Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block and raise taxes on the middle class.  
  • Hung Cao is an elitist who insulted the Shenandoah Valley and Southwest Virginians, calling Staunton “podunk” and the drive to Abingdon “ridonkulous.”  
  • Hung Cao pledged to repeal the Affordable Care Act, gutting protections for 1.3 million Virginians with pre-existing conditions, raising taxes on Virginia families, and putting nearly 700,000 Virginians at risk of losing their health insurance.  
