January 13, 2016 Press Releases and Announcements

DPVA Condemns Senate Republicans for Banning Press from Chamber Floor

by Emily Bolton

January 13, 2016
CONTACT: Emily Bolton, Emily@vademocrats.org
DPVA Condemns Senate Republicans for Banning Press from Chamber Floor 
"Restricting the freedom of the press by banning media from the Chamber floor goes against our values as Americans. Virginians deserve to know how their representatives are using taxpayer resources - on and off the Chamber floor," said Emily Bolton, Communications Director at the Democratic Party of Virginia. "Republicans routinely cite the First Amendment to improperly discriminate against members of the LGBT community under the guise of 'religious freedom,' yet, here they are, cherry picking aspects that don't fit into their narrative. It begs the question: what are Tommy Norment and Senate Republicans hiding?"