2024 Chair’s Handbook

Hello, and welcome to the new Chair’s Handbook!

We’ve updated and condensed the handbook to provide the most up-to-date and relevant information. Please read below for instructions on accessing the handbook and its different chapters. We hope you find it helpful and easy to navigate!

To access the full handbook, please click on the top link provided.

To view a specific chapter, click on the topic you’d like to see. The link will redirect you to the relevant chapter of the handbook. Once you’re there, you’ll find a side appendix with various topics. You can easily jump to different sections of the document by clicking on the topics in the appendix, rather than scrolling through the entire document.

DPVA Chair’s Handbook

Chapter 1: Role of Local Party and Chair

Chapter 2: Party Structure and Overview

Chapter 3: Responsibilities

Chapter 4: Organizing Your Committee

Chapter 5: Setting Priorities 

Chapter 6: Nominating Process

Chapter 7: Preparing for Elections

Chapter 8: Elections

Chapter 9: The Money

Chapter 10: Communication
