Jacqueline Smith for Prince William County Clerk of Court
Prince William County attorney
Jacqueline has also logged thousands of pro bono hours providing free legal assistance to the residents of Virginia and the District of Columbia, and has achieved remarkable results on their behalf in the areas of child care and protection, disaster response, federal and state income tax disputes and insurance disputes. Jacqueline‘s accomplishments have been publicized in legal publications including The Daily Washington Law Reporter and The Advocate Magazine.
Jacqueline’s passion for pro bono work also brought her to New Orleans where she spent hundreds of hours assisting New Orleans residents rendered homeless by Hurricane Katrina. Jacqueline made it possible for homeowners to return to New Orleans and rebuild by helping them to prove ownership of their homes- a difficult task after the flood waters that overtook the city caused massive destruction of records in the court.
Jacqueline earned her Juris Doctor from the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law and her Bachelor of Arts degree from George Mason University. She is a member of the District of Columbia Bar, Virginia State Bar, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, Prince William Co