December 9, 2019 Charlottesville (City)

Charlottesville Democratic Committee Call to Caucus

Central Library (McIntire Room), 7:00pm

Call to Caucus For the Biennial Reorganization of the Committee And Notice of Election of 2020-2021 Officers Charlottesville Democratic Committee

The Charlottesville Democratic Committee hereby issues this Call to convene an assembled caucus at 7:00 pm (check-in 6:30 pm), on Monday, December 9, 2019, at the Central Library (McIntire Room), 201 E. Market St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902, for the sole purpose of electing precinct representatives and alternates to the 2020-2021 Charlottesville Democratic Committee. This caucus may also be referred to as a “Mass Meeting.” After the caucus adjourns, the 2020-2021 Committee will meet immediately to elect officers.

The following provisions shall govern the caucus:
1. Notice Requirements: The Charlottesville Democratic Committee shall cause to be published the time, date and location of the caucus at least seven (7) days prior to the caucus. All notices shall be published on the Democratic Party of Virginia’s website ( as well as the website of the Charlottesville Democratic Committee (, and a related press release shall be provided to all relevant newspapers of general circulation in the locality of Charlottesville.
2. Conduct of the Caucus: The doors to the caucus will open at 6:30 pm. Check-in will occur between 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm. Anyone who wishes to participate in the caucus must, before participating in the caucus, sign a standardized Caucus Declaration Form affirming that s/he is a Democrat, believes in the principles of the Democratic Party, does not intend to support any candidate who is opposing a Democratic nominee in the next ensuing general election, and is a registered voter in the City of Charlottesville. The Form will also ask the participant to identify the precinct in which s/he is registered to vote; information will be available to assist with the answer to this question if needed.
The doors to the caucus will be closed at 7:00 pm and no one will be permitted to enter thereafter, except that those in line at 7:00 pm will be permitted to complete the check-in process and will be permitted to participate. A Co-Chair of the Charlottesville Democratic Committee or her designee shall be the Temporary Chair of the Caucus and shall appoint a Temporary Secretary and such other Temporary Officers of the Caucus as is deemed appropriate. Until the adoption of Caucus Rules, the order of the caucus shall be determined by the Chair of the Caucus, subject to the approval of the caucus participants, Robert’s Rules of Order, and the Democratic Party of Virginia Party Plan.
There is no charge to participate in the caucus. Dues of $15 per calendar year are expected from those who are elected as precinct representatives or alternates (Bylaws Section 3.07). If payment of dues would cause hardship to a precinct representative or alternate, s/he may request a waiver from the Chair or Co-Chairs, once elected. 2020 dues may be paid at the caucus, but need not be paid at that time.
3. Election of Committee Officers: Following the election of precinct representatives and alternates and adjournment of the caucus, the newly-organized 2020-2021 Committee will meet to elect the 2020-2021 committee officers. All nominations will be made from the floor of the meeting (Bylaws Section 3.06).
4. Affirmative Action: It shall be the duty of each local precinct Democratic chair and the members of each local Democratic Committee to take all feasible steps to encourage broad participation in the committee reorganization process. Discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, color, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, disability, or economic status in the reorganization process is prohibited.
5. Call Distribution: It shall be the duty of the Charlottesville Democratic Committee Co-Chairs to distribute copies of the Call to Caucus. It shall further be the duty of the Charlottesville Democratic Committee Co-Chairs to cause this Call to Caucus to be publicized through the news media of Charlottesville as is feasible.


201 E. Market Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902


Monday, December 9th, 2019