Reorganization Documents
1. Call to Caucus
2. Organizational Caucus Agenda
3. Caucus Rules
Democratic Call to Caucus
Henrico County, Virginia
Whereas, it is the duty of the Henrico County Democratic Committee to issue the Call to Caucus for the purpose of organization of a local Democratic Party Committee for the biennium of 2020 and 2021.
Now, therefore be it resolved that the Henrico County Democratic Committee hereby issues the Call to Caucus for an Assembled Caucus for Monday, December 9, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. at the Henrico County Government Center, Administrative Board Room, 4301 E Parham Road, Henrico, VA, for the sole purpose of organizing a Democratic Party local committee and establishing its membership pursuant to the State Plan. The following provisions shall govern the Caucus, to wit:
Candidate Filing and Fees
All candidates for election to the 2020/2021 Henrico County Democratic Committee (Henrico Democrats) shall file a declaration of candidacy, which is included within the Henrico Democrats membership application. There is no filing fee; however, the biennial membership dues of $60 or the annual dues of $30 and application must be filed, or a dues waiver granted by filing a request for relief from dues for financial reasons to, or by consultation with the Chair before the start of the Caucus on Monday, December 9, 2019.
Applications will be available at the caucus location. All payments shall be made in cash, by check payable to the Henrico County Democratic Committee, or by credit card.
Applications are available on the Henrico Democrats website and may be pre-filed by mail. Applications and advanced payment may also be filed using ActBlue ( available through the Henrico Democrats website. Applications from ActBlue will be taken up until December 8, 2019. This will allow those checking in new members to have verified member payment in advance. HCDC will not accept ActBlue applications after 11:59 on December, 8th. If you wish to apply after December 8th, you must do so in person. Waivers may be requested by contacting the current Henrico Democrats Chair at, or at the time of filing the membership application at the caucus.
If you have paid through ActBlue, you DO NOT need to file a paper form. Your membership will be considered filed.
2. Notice Requirements
The Henrico County Democratic Committee shall notify the public pursuant to alternative measures provided in the Party Plan, which includes: email notification to the previous membership and to individuals on its email distribution list; by posting the “Call to Caucus” on the Henrico Democrats website; by posting a general notice on the DPVA website; and the issuance of a press release. All such items shall contain the time, date, and location of the Caucus and shall be made at least 7 days prior to the Caucus.
3. Conduct the Caucus
The doors to the Caucus will be opened at 7:00 p.m., filing will occur between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The doors to the Caucus will be closed at 7:30 p.m., and no further persons will be permitted to enter. Those in line at 7:30 p.m. will be permitted to complete the check-in process and will be permitted to participate.
The Chair of the Henrico Democrats, or her designee, shall be the Temporary Chair of the Caucus and shall appoint a Secretary and such other Officers of the Caucus as is deemed appropriate.
4. Election to the Committee
The membership of the Henrico Democrats shall be limited as follows: three (3) members per precinct; however, in addition there may be up to ten (10) members at-large in each Magisterial District; and, ten (10) members at‐large from across Henrico County.
If a candidate for election to membership as a precinct representative is unopposed, that candidate shall be declared elected to said membership. If there are more than three (3) candidates for a precinct, there shall be an election for that position. The same process shall be used for the at-large Magisterial District positions and then the members-at-large positions. As an alternative, if there are no objections and agreement is made by all candidates, an allocation may be made of the precinct allocations, the Magisterial District allocations, and the member-at-large allocations and all candidates shall be declared as members of HCDC.
5. Election of Officers to Follow the Caucus
Immediately after conclusion of the Caucus, the newly constituted Henrico Democrats shall convene for the purpose of revising and adopting the Henrico Democrats Bylaws and electing officers as set forth in those Bylaws. Also, at that meeting, following the election of officers, additional members may be elected, reports may be accepted from District Committees, and other business may be conducted as agreed upon by the newly constituted Henrico Democrats.
Any member of the Committee wishing to serve as an officer must submit their intent to run by filing with the Chair of the Committee in writing no later than December 6, 2019 to permit time for the printing of ballots. Slates will be permitted. Submissions may be made via email to
6. Voting
Voting will be done on paper ballots. Ballots will be collected in a sealed ballot box. Ballots will only be handled by the voter and the members tallying the votes.
Per the DPVA party plan, voting may not be done via secret ballot.
Members must sign their ballots, but their names will not be read aloud, nor will they be shared unless they are requested. Members will not be asked to raise their hands for the purposes of voting for Executive Committee members.
7. Affirmative Action
It shall be the duty of each local Democratic chair and the members of each local Democratic Committee to take all feasible steps to encourage broad participation in the selection process. Discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age (if of voting age), color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identify, economic status, or disability in the delegate selection process is prohibited.
8. Call Distribution
It shall be the duty of the Henrico County Democratic Committee Chair to distribute a copy of the Call to Caucus and the Candidate Filing Form to any known candidate for the membership in the Henrico County Democratic Committee.
It shall further be the duty of the Henrico County Democratic Committee Chair to cause this Call to Caucus to be publicized through the news media of Henrico County as is feasible.
Issued November 27, 2019
Elizabeth Drucker-Basch
Chairwoman, Henrico County Democratic Committee
Monday, December 9, 2019
7:30 p.m.
Henrico County Government Center, Administrative Board Room
4301 E Parham Road, Henrico, VA
1. Call to Order
- a. Record the time
- b. Close the doors to the caucus room
- c. Appointment of the Temporary Credentials Committee
2. Election of a Permanent Chair
3. Appointment of the Permanent Secretary of the Caucus
4. Report from the Temporary Credentials Committee
a. Total number of candidates
b. Number of candidates who are contested (i.e. more than 3 candidates per precinct)
c. Reading of candidates’ names by Magisterial District and Precinct
5. Report on the Temporary Rules (by the Chair)
6. Action on the Temporary Rules (amend / adopt)
7. Voting
a. Declaration of candidates as members in unopposed situations
b. Voting for contested positions or, as an alternative, agreement and action to allocate contested positions to precinct and at‐large positions as appropriate
8. Announcement of elected candidates (membership)
9. Adjournment (Regular meeting of the Henrico Democrats will immediately follow)
Monday, December 9, 2019 7:30 p.m.
Henrico County Government Center, Administrative Board Room
4301 E Parham Road, Henrico, VA
1. All times shall be read from the watch maintained by the Secretary.
2. The doors of the caucus room will open and the certification process will begin at 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2019.
3. The doors to the caucus meeting room will be closed promptly at 7:30 p.m. Persons standing in line to complete a Caucus Participation Form at the time the doors close will be allowed to complete their form and participate in the caucus.
4. Every person who participates in the caucus must complete a Caucus Participation Form, and sign a statement that says that he or she is a Democrat, is a registered voter in Henrico County or will be eligible to vote in the 2020 General Election, believes in the principles of the Democratic Party, and that he or she does not intend to support a candidate opposed to a Democratic nominee in the next ensuing election.
5. The Chair of the Henrico Democrats, or her designee, shall act as the temporary Chair of this Caucus. The Chair shall appoint a Temporary Credentials Committee to accept Caucus Participation Forms, and individuals to issue Ballots, and to tally Ballots.
6. The first order of business shall the selection of a Permanent Chair.
7. The permanent Chair shall then appoint a Permanent Secretary of this Caucus.
8. The Chair shall call upon the temporary Credentials Committee for a report of the number of credentialed participants in the caucus and their distribution by precinct.
9. The Chair shall then offer a report on the Temporary Rules. Upon a motion for adoption, the Temporary Rules may be amended from the floor, put to a vote, and adopted.
10. This Caucus shall be conducted in accordance with the Virginia Democratic Party Plan and the Henrico County Call to Caucus.
11. There shall be no campaigning inside the caucus room.
12. Press and observers are permitted in the room in which balloting takes place; however, they shall be restricted to an area where they will not interfere with certification or the voting process.
13. Ballots will be prepared when there are more than three candidates for a precinct position or when there are more than 10 candidates for Magisterial District positions or member-at-large positions. If there are not more than three candidates for any precinct position, all candidates shall be declared as members of the HCDC.
14. Elections shall occur for the precinct positions, then the Magisterial District positions, and then the member-at-large positions.
15. As an alternative to the above, with the agreement of all candidates, the candidates may be allocated to precincts, to Magisterial Districts, and to at-large positions and all candidates declared to be members of the HCDC.
16. The Tellers Committee shall count the ballots. The Tellers Committee may relocate from the Caucus room to another room in the building to count the ballots.
17. Ballots showing votes for more candidates than are allowed will be declared invalid.
18. Tie votes will be decided by a drawing of names from a hat, and this tiebreaker will be conducted by the Chair of the Caucus.
19. The Tellers Committee shall report directly to the Chair of the Caucus who shall file the results with the Democratic Party of Virginia.
20. The elected candidates will be announced at the Caucus and the Caucus shall then be adjourned. |