Nominating Caucus for York-Poquoson Dems
The York-Poquoson Democratic Committee announces an unassembled caucus (firehouse primary) for the five Board of Supervisor districts and Constitutional offices: Sheriff and Commonwealth Attorney. The caucus is scheduled to take place at Yorktown Library on June 1, 2019 from 12-3 PM. All Democrats who are registered to vote in York or Poquoson are encouraged to attend. The caucus is subject to cancellation if there are no contested offices.
If you are interested in running for one of the offices, you must file a Declaration of Candidacy with Rebecca Leser, Chair of the York-Poquoson Democratic Committee no later than 5 PM on Friday, May 24, 2019. A link to the filing form can be found at the bottom of the Call to Caucus.
The Call to Caucus can be found here: Call to Caucus |