Richmond, VA – Each year we lose more than 1,000 Virginians to gun violence. Instead of continuing to strengthen gun violence prevention laws, Republicans spent this session attempting to pass dozens of bills aimed at rolling back the life-saving measures Democrats passed in recent years. From repealing laws banning guns in daycares to allowing guns on school property, Republicans demonstrated their commitment to putting more guns on our streets. Thankfully, their efforts were met with a brick wall. Virginia Democrats will not allow Republicans to take us back and roll back our progress.
Here’s the list of dangerous Republican failed bills:
- HB11 Reduces penalties for individuals who illegally carry dangerous concealed weapons.
- HB14 / HB299 / SB364 Repeals the one handgun a month law, which prevents people from buying more than one handgun within a 30-day period.
- HB23 / HB188 Repeals law banning guns in churches.
- HB26 / HB827 / SB74 Repeals/undermines law allowing localities to regulate firearms in public spaces.
- SB61 / SB763 Creates loopholes in the local authority law by allowing certain people to carry firearms in prohibited locations.
- HB133 / HB1333 Repeals law banning guns in daycares.
- HB204 Repeals “Charleston Loophole” law, which ensures gun dealers don’t sell a person a firearm for at least five days while they’re awaiting results from a background check.
- HB325 Repeals law requiring gun owners to report lost and stolen firearms to law enforcement.
- HB509 Repeals Extreme Risk Protective Order legislation, which allows law enforcement to temporarily separate a person from their firearms if they pose a risk to themselves or others.
- SB75 Repeals the ban on carrying firearms at the Capitol, Capitol Square, and in state buildings.
- HB288 / SB330 Repeals law requiring Virginians to obtain a concealed handgun permit before carrying a concealed handgun.
- HB292 Repeals requirements that a person take in-person classes and demonstrate competency with a firearm prior to obtaining a concealed handgun permit.
- SB644 Allows individuals with concealed handgun permits to circumvent background check laws.
- HB1051 Repeals law prohibiting certain individuals subject to protective orders from possessing firearms and requiring them to surrender their firearms within 24 hours.
- HB1078 Repeals law that makes it a felony to brandish a firearm while part of a group engaged in paramilitary activity.
- HB391 Repeals gun-free zone law on school property.
“Republicans claim to be the party of law and order, but the 2022 legislative session shows otherwise,” said DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker. “Gun violence is an epidemic, and we owe it to past and future victims and their families to solve it — and to save lives. That’s why Virginia Democrats fought hard this session to ensure that crucial gun safety measures remain in place and that people who commit violent crimes cannot circumvent the law and purchase firearms.”