September 30, 2022 News & Press Releases

Daily Progress: The Many “Lies of Omission” by Anti-Abortion Extremist Yesli Vega

by Democratic Party of Virginia

Vega continues hiding extreme agenda from Virginia voters, local press

Richmond, VA – Anti-abortion extremist Yesli Vega (VA-07) continues to duck questions from the press about her support for the Life at Conception Act – a bill proposed in May 2021 that would outlaw abortion, with no exceptions. 

Vega, who doubts women can get pregnant from rape, has boasted about answering the National Pro-Life Alliance’s survey – which asks candidates if they would ould support and cosponsor the Life at Conception Act and vote to amend the U.S. Constitution to outlaw abortions nationwide – “100% in support of life.” 

Now, faced with the pressure of a failing campaign full of lies, deception, and conspiracy, Vega is refusing to publicly answer questions from a local editorial board on her extreme positions on a woman’s right to choose because she knows just how toxic and out of step her beliefs are with the voters of Virginia. Read more: 

Daily Progress: Voters deserve specific answers on abortion votes

By Daily Progress Editorial Board 

September 29, 2022

  • “It has been weeks since we asked Virginia congressional candidate Yesli Vega if she supports a federal life-at-conception bill offered by fellow Virginia Republican U.S. Rep. Bob Good. Vega has not responded. We do not expect her to.”  
  • “Vega is playing the same game in the abortion ban debate in the state’s 7th District race as Republican candidate Jen Kiggans is playing in the 2nd District. We call it the ‘lies of omission’ strategy.”
  • “It goes something like this: When faced with a controversial issue like legally forcing women to give birth after the moment of conception or after a certain point in pregnancy, you ignore questions or refuse to give a straight answer.” 
  • “During the 2022 Republican primary campaign, Vega reportedly sent out an email bragging that she had a perfect score on a survey by the National Pro-life Alliance, which supports a national life-at-conception law that effectively bans all abortions.” 
  • “So would she vote for the life-at-conception bill pushed by her political mentor Bob Good?”
  • “If you are a resident of the 7th District, expect silence or a lie of omission in response to one of the most important questions in one of the most important House of Representatives races in the nation.” 
  • “Voters in Virginia’s 7th and 2nd Congressional Districts should demand definite answers, not equivocal positions, on how their representatives will vote on a woman’s right to control her body. Those who refuse to make that clear don’t deserve voters’ trust or ballots. Not responding to questions or changing positions to fool constituents may be smart politics. It is also betrayal.”
