March 7, 2016 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

Déjà vu? Republicans Poised to Repeat Disastrous Week

by Democratic Party of Virginia

Last week's Virginia primary and yet another disastrous GOP debate made one thing very clear: Republicans are flailing. In Virginia, Super Tuesday was viewed as a resounding victory for Governor McAuliffe, and an enormous failure for Virginia Republican leaders who couldn't muster enough votes for their chosen candidate, Marco Rubio.
With six more primaries and another GOP debate, Republicans are poised to repeat last week's disaster, and Virginia Republicans are desperately scrambling to find a path forward.
See for yourself:
Hillary Clinton’s win in Virginia is also a resounding victory for Governor Terry McAuliffe:
  • The   Washington Post Richmond Times-Dispatch and other outlets identified that the election would not only be a reflection of Clinton’s strength in Virginia, but also of voters’ trust and approval of their Governor’s endorsement. The 30-point Clinton victory is a clear indicator that the Governor’s political operation and his standing with Virginia voters are very strong.
  •  As noted in the Washington Post, the Governor has placed his focus on running the Commonwealth effectively, even if those responsibilities crowd out more political opportunities. Good governing is good politics and Tuesday’s result proves Virginians are getting the message.
  • Ken Cuccinelli nearly threw in the towel for Trump, too, as reported in the Wall Street Journal.
  • ....Which leaves Rubio's vulnerable Virginia endorsers like Barbara Comstock in a tough spot. Comstock has been noticeably silent since Super Tuesday.
Can we even call this a debate?
  • After Super Tuesday, someone had the brilliant idea of allowing Republicans to carry on their debate schedule as planned. It was a complete train wreck for a variety of reasons including screaming, name calling, and other unmentionable elements. 
  • By contrast, last night's Democratic debate in Flint was substantive, respectful, and included policy solutions.