August 29, 2016 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

DPVA Statement on State Senator Frank Wagner’s Gubernatorial Bid

by Democratic Party of Virginia

The Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA) Executive Director Becca Slutzky issued the following statement following Frank Wagner's announcement that he will seek the Republican gubernatorial bid:

"State Senator Frank Wagner has a history of putting divisive social issues ahead of fighting for Virginians. Frank Wagner opposes protections for the LGBT community, rejects measures to protect women's health, and refuses to support legislation to protect the environment. Virginians need a governor who will fight for Virginians, not another Trump Republican who is out-of-touch with mainstream Virginia voters.

"The Republican gubernatorial primary now has four candidates who are engaged in a bitter race to the right to court the same primary voters who delivered Trump a victory on Super Tuesday. Republicans will spend a massive amount of money defeating fellow Republicans and dragging each other through the mud in the process. Meanwhile, unified Democrats focus on the issues that matter most to Virginia families."