Gillespie Refuses to Answer Whether He Will Have President Trump Campaign for Him
This Comes After Urging Republicans to “Come Home” to Support Trump Last Year
In a new story out today from NBC News, Ed Gillespie refused to say whether he would have the current Republican President campaign for him.
While this may appear to be a sensitive issue for Gillespie now, it really shouldn’t be. Gillespie’s support of Trump was “clear from the beginning,” and urged Republicans to “come home” to support Trump.
Now, Trump and Gillespie both have plans to give a huge tax break for the wealthy like themselves.
The Commonwealth Institute said of Ed Gillespie’s tax plan that “much of the benefit would go to wealthy households, while working families would get far less and critical public services would be put at risk.” This is while Trump’s recently proposed tax overhaul has been criticized for his “laughable” plan that will give the wealthy like himself a large tax cut with no details in place to pay for it.
“Ed Gillespie is never going to be able to dodge his support from the unpopular Republican President, because throughout the 2016 election, Ed Gillespie had Donald Trump’s back. Now, the two want the same thing for Virginia -- tax cuts for the wealthy like themselves at the expense of the middle class.” said DPVA spokeswoman Christina Freundlich. “When it comes to a backwards tax plan or even a laughable government ethics proposal that would even make Karl Rove chuckle, the last 102 days of Trump is only a preview of what a Republican governor like Ed Gillespie would bring to Richmond.”