May 4, 2017 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

No Word from Gillespie, Stewart and Wagner on Trumpcare 2.0

by Christina Freundlich

Yes, We Are Sending Another One Of These Releases


Today marks another day in the Donald Trump presidency where potentially tens of thousands of Virginians with pre-existing conditions are faced with the reality that they might lose their health insurance coverage.


And not surprisingly, today marks another day where the Republicans running for governor remain silent as the livelihood and well-being of countless Virginians are on the line.


“Ed Gillespie, Corey Stewart and Frank Wagner need to decide what team they are on. Are they going to side with cancer patients, sexual assault victims, those born with heart disease or chronic illness, or are they are going to side with Donald Trump and the bank accounts of insurance companies?” said DPVA spokeswoman Christina Freundlich. “Enough is enough. Virginians need to know where they stand on this bill.”