April 22, 2016 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

The Republican Voice of Voter Disenfranchisement in Virginia

by Democratic Party of Virginia

After Governor Terry McAuliffe restored the rights of 206,000 Virginians who have been convicted of felonies, served their time, and reentered their communities, Virginia Republicans' unrelenting and vicious desire to disenfranchise  voters is on full display. 
Republicans' rationale does not appeal to logic and it does not appeal to legal standing, it appeals to fear, stereotypes, and the desire to preserve Civil War-era barriers to the ballot box.  
Speaker Howell unscrupulously accused Governor McAuliffe's action of undermining,"the strength of our criminal justice system and sanctity of our civil rights." 
These are individuals who served their time as prescribed by a court of law and have reentered their communities
The Republican response speaks for itself: