June 5, 2020 News & Press Releases

Trump’s Chaotic Pandemic Response Continues Cratering The Economy

by Democratic Party of Virginia

In response to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ announcement that 21 million Americans are out of work, Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Susan Swecker released the following statement:

“Every day, the chaos and failure of Donald Trump’s presidency is costing Virginians our safety and our livelihoods. Instead of listening to his own advisors, Trump ignored the pandemic, allowed the virus to spread, and inflicted an unprecedented economic disaster on working families.

His celebration of the latest job report is an insult to the millions of Americans who are out of work. It’s a disgusting display while expanded benefits are set to run out and Republican lawmakers are completely uninterested in helping working people get back on their feet. 

Trump can’t pull the wool over voters’ eyes. Virginians know we can’t afford four more years of his failed leadership. We saw through his empty promises in 2016, and we’re going to vote him out of office in November.”
