October 25, 2016 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

Virginia Dems Launch ‘Trump4Gov.com’ A Website to Hold 2017 Gubernatorial Candidates Accountable for Supporting Trump

by Democratic Party of Virginia

Two weeks from Election Day, the Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA) is announcing "Trump4Gov.com" - a website to hold Republican gubernatorial candidates accountable for supporting and enabling the most dangerous candidate to ever be nominated by a major party.

Ed Gillespie, Rob Wittman, Frank Wagner, and Corey Stewart have all supported Donald Trump, even as he threatens basic pillars of American democracy.

“Republican candidates for governor in 2017 can’t erase their record in 2016. Virginia voters will remember that they stood by Donald Trump even as he bragged about sexual assault, attacked a Gold Star family from Charlottesville, and undermined the basic tenets of American democracy,” said Susan Swecker, Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Virginia. 

It's not just Democrats who believe Virginia Republicans will be held accountable for their support of Trump - Editorial Boards agree that there will be political and moral consequences for putting party before country:

Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial: "The GOP hurtles toward electoral catastrophe. Redemption will not occur on Nov. 9." [Republicans who support Trump sold their souls, 10/18/2016]

Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial: "As matters stand now, the Republican Party looks likely to suffer a defeat of historic proportions. Given the nature of the man it nominated to lead the free world, it deserves to." [Trump's campaign becomes a political murder-suicide, 10/17/2016]

Washington Post Editorial: "Any Republican who wants to emerge from this election with a shred of integrity must speak up." [Republican condemnation of Trump should be deafening, 10/21/2016]