January 4, 2017 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

GOP Gubernatorial Candidates Would Turn Virginia into the Next North Carolina by Signing Del. Marshall’s Bathroom Bill

by Democratic Party of Virginia

Last night, Delegate Bob Marshall proposed HB 1612 a "bathroom bill" nearly identical to North Carolina's measure that cost the state an estimated $600 million in business and led to the ousting of Republican Governor Pat McCrory. This offers a startling glance into Virginia's future if Ed Gillespie, Frank Wagner, or Corey Stewart were elected Governor. 
Here in Virginia, Governor McAuliffe and Lt. Governor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ralph Northam have vowed to veto anti-LGBT measures. 
"North Carolina lost jobs and $600 million in revenue because of HB2 and with the stroke of a pen, Republican gubernatorial candidates would doom Virginia to the same fate" said Emily Bolton, Communications Director of the Democratic Party of Virginia. "If losing out on jobs for Virginians won't stop Ed Gillespie, Frank Wagner, and Corey Stewart from signing anti-LGBT bills into law, then what will? If Republicans continue to prioritize divisive and discriminatory social issues while driving businesses away from Virginia, their electoral destiny will mirror Pat McCrory's."