June 7, 2016 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

Virginia Latino and Asian-American Leaders Call on Virginia Republicans to Condemn Trump and Stewart Rhetoric; Gillespie and Wittman remain silent

by Democratic Party of Virginia

Top Republican leaders like Speaker Ryan and Mitch McConnell are condemning Trump for his outrageous comments about a respected Latino judge but Virginia Republicans remain silent on Trump's rhetoric and gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart's anti-immigration rant where he promised to “kick their asses out of the country."

This comes as fellow gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie recently said, “It’s very important that we help Donald Trump carry the Commonwealth." Rob Wittman has also endorsed Trump's candidacy.

One thing is clear: Virginia is more open and welcoming than ever. Corey Stewart stands by Donald Trump even as he insults a respected Judge. Will Ed Gillespie and Rob Wittman condemn Donald Trump for comments that Paul Ryan called racist?

Virginia Democrats in the Latino and Asian American caucus are taking a stand against Trump and Stewart and asking Virginia Republican leadership and candidates to take a stand against bigotry and racism:

Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia Statement:

El presunto nominado del Partido Republicano a la Presidencia no se ha detenido en sus ataques a los musulmanes, las personas con discapacidad,  las mujeres y sobre todo a la comunidad latina.  Los comentarios emitidos por su representante principal en Virginia, reflejan el mismo discurso abusivo que ha sido cacareado repetidamente en estos meses por su campaña.

Los agresivos puntos de vista sobre los inmigrantes, auto-proclamados por Stewart no están basados en hechos, sino en intolerancia y fanatismo. Su propuesta de " sacar a patadas a las personas indocumentadas", destruirían no sólo a las familias sino a la economía de Virginia.  El tono amenazante demuestra una enorme falta de empatía hacia los integrantes de una comunidad que trabaja muy duro.

Los integrantes de la Organización de Latinos Demócratas de Virginia (siglas en inglés DLOV) no se dejarán intimidar por este tipo de ataques. En los próximos meses, enfocaremos nuestros esfuerzos en trabajar con  está pujante  comunidad, inscribirlos como nuevos votantes y en su continua participación cívica en la vida diaria. Continuaremos luchando por los derechos de los Latinos en Virginia, los documentados y también aquellos quién no lo son.

Virginia es un estado crucial para que los Demócratas aseguren la victoria para su candidato a la presidencia y la comunidad Latina será la clave para asegurar el número de votos necesarios para ganar.
DLOV hará  todo lo posible de asegurarse que los candidatos con puntos de vista negativos y de odio tales como los de la campaña de Trump se vayan de Virginia y no afecten a nuestras comunidades.

English Translation: The presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party has not hesitated to attack Muslims, disabled individuals, women, and, most prominently, the Latino community. The comments made by his Virginia chairman simply reflect the same abusive rhetoric that has been parroted for months by his campaign.

Stewart's self-proclaimed "aggressive" views on immigration are not based in fact, but in bigotry. His proposals to "kick out" undocumented individuals would to break up families and destroy portions of Virginia's economy. His threatening tone shows total lack of empathy for these hardworking members of our community.

The Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia and its members will not be intimidated by these types of attacks. Our efforts in the coming months will focus on community engagement, voter registration, and civic education. We will continue to fight for the rights of Hispanics and Latinos throughout the state, for those who are documented, and those who are undocumented.

Virginia will be crucial to securing victory for the Democratic presidential nominee, and our Hispanic and Latino constituents will be key to securing the votes necessary to win.

DLOV intends to do everything possible to ensure that candidates with hateful views such as those expressed by the Trump campaign are kept out of Virginia and out of our communities.

Democratic Asian Americans of Virginia Statement:

Once again, Trump and his surrogates are proving that their campaign is fueled by racism and intolerance.  The Democratic Asian Americans of Virginia are calling on Republicans to condemn Trump and Stewart. As Republican leadership continues to turn a blind eye to the hazard of a Trump presidency, mindful Democrats are fighting to prevent that rhetoric from reaching the White House. In order to continue President Obama’s legacy of inclusivity, Democrats will work together to elect a President that respects and fights for all Virginians and all Americans - regardless of race.