Yesterday, Hampton Roads Pride praised Governor Terry McAuliffe for promising to veto SB41 a bill that was "purposefully designed to protect those who wish to discriminate against Virginia's LGBT citizens."
Gillespie: “I Don’t Believe In Government Sanction Of Same-Sex Marriage.” “On the topic of hot-button social issues, Gillespie, who is Catholic, says he’s against both abortion and gay marriage. ‘I believe in my faith,’ which says marriage is between a man and a woman, he said. ‘So I don’t believe in government sanction of same-sex marriage.’” [Free Lance-Star, 4/10/14]
Gillespie said he “Opposed Government Sanction Of Same-Sex Marriage.’ During an interview, the host asked: “Will you oppose the changing of a law that affect Americans at the federal level and will you stand as a Virginian against or for toleration or tolerance when it comes to same sex issues?” Gillespie said: “You know, the attorney general should not vacate the field here. The most important thing Ralph, is I believe a marriage is between one man and one woman and I opposed government sanction of same-sex marriage and my point is, people may not agree that we should redefine ‘what is marriage?’ but surely we can agree not to redefine what constitutes tolerance.” [Washington Times Interview, 1/25/14] (Video)
- Gillespie “Served Notice That The GOP Will Likely Defend Marriage” In Party Platform, Said Gay Activists Pushed “Religious Bigotry.”“Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie has served notice that the GOP will likely defend marriage in the party’s 2004 platform. Further, Mr. Gillespie correctly pointed out in a Washington Times interview today that “religious bigotry” is being promoted by homosexual activists, who are attempting to use government to force their views on everyone. “ [US Newswire, 9/23/03]
- Gillespie Said Gay People Expecting Him To “Condone” Their “Choice” Is “Religious Bigotry.” “Gillespie said, “I accept people for who they are - and love them. That doesn’t mean I have to agree or turn my back on the tenets of my faith when it comes to homosexuality. I think when people say, ‘Well, no. That’s not enough that you accept me for who I am, you have to agree with - and condone - my choice,’ that, to me, is religious bigotry, and I believe that’s intolerant. I think they are the ones that are crossing the line here.’” [US Newswire, 9/23/03]