RICHMOND, Va. – In light of the release of U.S. Senate Republicans’ Trumpcare bill, Democratic Party of Virginia Chairwoman Susan Swecker today issued the following statement on the refusal of Republicans in the General Assembly to expand Medicaid:
“Do not let their empty rhetoric fool you. Republicans in the Virginia General Assembly are responsible for much of the damage the Senate Trumpcare bill will do to Virginia families, our budget and our economy. By repeatedly blocking Governor McAuliffe’s efforts to expand Medicaid, Republicans in the General Assembly have denied 400,000 people health insurance. They have stood in the way of 30,000 new Virginia jobs and $73 million in savings to our budget. And now, because the Senate bill cuts Medicaid to pay to extend expansion in other states through 2023, they would force taxpayers to dig even deeper into their wallets to subsidize health coverage in other states. This bill would be a disaster for Virginia in many ways, and Republicans on both sides of the Potomac must be held accountable."