DPVA Chair Statement on Governor McAuliffe Announcement
RICHMOND, VA. – Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Susan Swecker issued the following statement regarding Former Governor Terry McAuliffe's announcement this evening that he will focus his efforts on Virginia's 2019 elections.
"Virginia needs Terry McAuliffe. Over the past few months, so many Virginia Democrats - including myself, Senate and House members, community, civic and business leaders - have been asking Governor McAuliffe if he would play a leading role in our crucial upcoming 2019 state legislative elections because there is no one better at delivering the Democratic message in the Commonwealth.
There is no question in my mind that Terry and Dorothy would have made a great President and First Lady. His Virginia record of job creation and progressive accomplishments would stack up against any Democrat running for national office and certainly against the chaotic failures of Donald Trump.
We could not be more thrilled that the Governor will be focusing his famous 'sleep when you're dead' energy to making sure Democrats flip our State Senate and House this November. There is so much at stake this November - from health care to civil rights to gun safety to the future of Virginia's education system. With Republicans in charge of the General Assembly, we cannot achieve the progress Virginians deserve. With Terry here leading the fight at home, all Virginians will have a brighter future."