September 4, 2019 Press Releases and Announcements

Follow The Money: NRA pays Virginia Republicans $200K After They Stopped Action on Gun Violence Prevention

by Democratic Party of Virginia

Follow The Money: NRA pays Virginia Republicans $200K After They Stopped Action on Gun Violence Prevention

RICHMOND, VA - 96 days after the gun massacre at Virginia Beach that left 12 innocent Virginians dead, Virginia Republican House Majority Leader Todd Gilbert accepted, through his PAC, a $200,000 political contribution from the National Rifle Association.

Leader Gilbert, the man who moved that the House adjourn the special session called to address gun violence in the wake of the Virginia Beach shooting after just 90 minutes with no votes or debate, has used this PAC to support House Republicans, including endangered Delegate Roxann Robinson.

The NRA’s pay out to Leader Gilbert’s PAC is the logical next step in the NRA-Virginia Republican pay for play…

"Follow the damn money. The NRA is paying Virginia Republicans to block common sense safety measures. Todd Gilbert, Kirk Cox, and their Republicans colleagues have sold their souls to the NRA, and on November 5, we are going to take their majorities. Enough," said Jake Rubenstein, DPVA Communications Director. 
