August 4, 2018 Press Releases and Announcements

HD-08 SPECIAL ELECTION: Democratic Call to Caucus to nominate candidate for seat being vacated by Habeeb

by DPVA Press Office

HD-08 SPECIAL ELECTION: Democratic Call to Caucus to nominate candidate for seat being vacated by Habeeb

SALEM,VA -- The Virginia 8th Delegate District Nominating Committee (Nominating Committee) has announced that an unassembled caucus on Wednesday, August 15 between 3PM and 8PM in locations to be announced throughout the 8th district for the purpose of nominating a Democratic candidate for the Virginia 8th House of Delegates seat that is being vacated by Delegate Greg Habeeb. 



Candidate Filing: Each person seeking to become the Democratic nominee for the office of the 8th House District shall file a Declaration of Candidacy form with the Roanoke County Democratic Committee (RCDC) and a $500 non-refundable certified or cashier’s check (cash or money order not accepted) made payable to the RCDC no earlier than 12:00 PM Sunday, August 5, 2018 and no later than 12:00 PMWednesday, August 8. Filings shall be made in person with the Chair of the Nominating Committee, Jon Marino, 785 Texas Hollow Road, Salem, VA 24253, phone number: 540-798-9979 and email: [email protected]. Filings must be in hand by the deadline. Only those candidates who have timely and properly filed their Declaration of Candidacy form and paid the filing fee may have their names placed in nomination. The order of the Candidates’ names on the ballot shall be determined by the order they are received. Should two or more filings be received at the same time, a random drawing will take place to determine the order and should this occur, the campaigns of these filings will be notified and will be allowed to have a representative present at the drawing, which will take place at 12:00 PM, August 8, 2018, at 785 Texas Hollow Road, Salem, VA 24253. The Declaration of Candidacy form shall be available on the RCDC website:, and the Democratic Party of Virginia web site,

Qualification of Candidates: The Declaration of Candidacy form, which the candidate must sign, will include a written declaration that the candidate:
1) Is a Democrat and not a member of any other political party; and
2) Does not intend to support any candidate who is opposed to the Democratic nominee in the 8th House District Special Election; and
3) Has not participated in and will not participate in the nominating process of any other party in the 8th House District Special Election; and
4) Does not intend to file as an independent candidate for the 8th House District Special Election; and
5) Is registered to vote in the 8th House District.
Note: This Call to Caucus shall be published on the Roanoke County Democratic Committee website and the DPVA’s web site. A press release shall be provided to all relevant newspapers of general circulation in the 8th House District. The committees will be encouraged to disseminate this information to all interested parties, as they are able, in accordance with the Party Plan of the DPVA. In addition, reasonable actions shall be taken to promote participation in the caucus in accordance with the Affirmative Action provisions of the Party Plan of the DPVA.

Participation: Every Democrat who is a registered voter in the 8th House District is urged to attend and participate. Every participant must sign a written declaration that he or she:
1) Is a Democrat and not a member of any other political party; and
2) Does not intend to support any candidate who is opposed to the Democratic nominee in the 8th House District Special Election; and
3) Has not participated in and will not participate in the nominating process of any other party in the 8th House District Special Election; and
4) Is registered to vote in the 8th House District.

No fee or payment will be required for attending or voting in the Caucus.

Rules: The rules of the Caucus shall be made available in paper or electronic form to the candidates no later than 8PM, Wednesday, August 8th, 2018. The rules will also be on the RCDC website, and the DPVA website.
Determination of Nominee: If only one person files properly to be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the 8th House District by the filing deadline, the Nominating Committee may cancel the caucus and declare that person the nominee. If no person files properly to be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the 8th House District by the filing deadline, the Nominating Committee may cancel the caucus.

At any time before 5 PM ET, Friday, August 17, 2018, the Chair of the Nominating Committee may rule ineligible for nomination any candidate to has been found to have made any false or misleading statements on the Declaration of Candidacy, or who failed to pay the filing fee.

If there is no filed candidate, or if the properly nominated candidate withdraws or dies, the Chair of the Nominating Committee may, before 5 PM on Friday, August 17, 2018, convene the Nominating Committee to consider the nomination of a qualified committee who may become the Democratic nominee upon first filing with the Nominating Committee, a Declaration of Candidacy form and paying the filing fee for such office.

Waivers: The Nominating Committee shall seek appropriate waivers from the DPVA regarding expediting the time frames required by the Party Plan, if necessary.