The day after Virginia House Republicans unanimously voted to block Gov. Terry McAuliffe from expanding Medicaid for 400,000 Virginians, the University of Maryland released a poll showing that 69 percent of the Commonwealth’s voters support expansion.
“An overwhelming majority of Virginians support Medicaid expansion, yet Republicans in the House of Delegates have refused to listen to the people they were elected to serve,” said Democratic Party of Virginia Chairwoman Susan Swecker. “Medicaid expansion would create 30,000 jobs, save our state budget $73 million, and most importantly ensure that 400,000 people have access to health care. Many of these Virginians are among the Commonwealth’s working poor, and no one who works forty hours per week should lack health care. We are the party of hardworking people fighting for hardworking people, and we will continue to fight for health care for our friends, family members and neighbors.”
Since the Affordable Care Act was enacted, Virginia has left more than $10 billion on the table by failing to expand Medicaid. The Commonwealth forfeits $6.6 million every day Republicans block expansion.
The Washington Post editorial board last week declared Republicans’ opposition to Medicaid “indefensible.”