“We Stand with Donald Trump”: Trump-loyal Virginia Republicans “stand” with him on Affordable Care Act abolishment
Richmond, VA – Last night, hours after the Republican Party of Virginia declared that they “Stand with Donald Trump” and look forward to taking Mike Pence’s campaign money, Trump’s Justice Department moved to join the State of Texas in his effort to completely overturn the Affordable Care Act. The Trump Administration action, done hours after Virginia Republicans’ pronouncement of absolute fealty to the President, would not only put thousands of Virginias with pre-existing conditions at great risk, but also throw up to 400,000 Virginians who recently became eligible for healthcare through Medicaid Expansion back on the street with no care.
Virginia Republicans have made it clear they will “Stand with Donald Trump” and fight on his behalf. With Trump’s declaration of war against the ACA, Virginia Republicans have proclaimed that they are fighting to….
- End protections for millions of Virginians with pre-existing conditions.
- Kick Virginians, including vulnerable seniors and adult children currently covered through the ACA, off of their healthcare plans.
- Eliminate the Expansion of Medicaid in Virginia that provides healthcare to up to 400,000 Virginians who cannot afford it.
- Cripple rural hospitals already in financial turmoil as their costs would skyrocket, putting millions of Virginians further away from a place of care.
- And on and on and on….
“Right after Virginia Republicans’ pledged their allegiance to Donald Trump, Donald Trump pledged his allegiance to taking away healthcare from millions of Virginians by overturning the Affordable Care Act. We look forward to electing Democratic majorities in the House and Senate that will work to care for their constituents, not conspire with Donald Trump to leave them sick and helpless.” – DPVA Communications Director Jake Rubenstein