Senator Scott Surovell Calls Press Conference To Discuss John Gray’s Disparaging Online Behavior

Woodbridge, Virginia – Senators Scott Surovell and Jeremy McPike, Delegates John Bell and Elizabeth Guzman, and Democratic candidates for local offices will host a press conference on Thursday, September 26 at 3:15 p.m. The candidates will discuss recently uncovered tweets from Prince William County Board of Supervisors Chair Republican nominee John Gray. Some examples of the tweets are included below. The Washington Post featured Gray’s tweets in a recent article here.
Surovell said he believes this behavior shows that Gray is not qualified to hold office in Prince William County. “I think it is important that every Republican on the PWC ticket take a position on where they stand on him and his ideas given that they will have to work directly with him if he were to win and they are in the same party,” Surovell said.
Press Conference
Thursday, September 26, 3:15 p.m.
Woodbridge VRE Station
1040 Express Way, Woodbridge, VA
(Parking is available in the commuter lot north of the station)
Press Contact: Philip Scranage / 571.249.4484
Senator Scott A. Surovell represents parts of Fairfax, Prince William, and Stafford Counties since 2015. Prior to his time in the Senate, Surovell served six years in the House of Delegates. Surovell lives in Mt. Vernon with his wife and four children. He practices law and has dedicated his legislative career to fighting for Northern Virginia’s fair share, protecting consumers, and preserving our environment for future generations.