October 30, 2018 Press Releases and Announcements

WATCH: Luria to Taylor — “You’ve done such a bad job that I’m running against you.”       

by DPVA Press Office

WATCH: Luria to Taylor -- "You've done such a bad job that I'm running against you."       

Virginia Beach, VA -- Elaine Luria easily dispatched under-criminal investigation Congressman Scott Taylor at today's second and final VA-02 debate. From Taylor bragging about his vote for the TrumpCare bill that would have gutted protection for Virginians with pre-existing conditions to telling folks to calm down about Russian Federation aggression, Scott Taylor - like he has been all campaign - was completely out of sorts.

But the moment people will be talking about is when Elaine was asked why she is running against Taylor after voting for him in 2016.

Her answer, stated while looking directly at Taylor's face, not only received a loud, extended cheer from the audience, but clearly left a mark on Taylor - who never seemed to recover his normal over-confident, brash energy. Elaine told Scott Taylor the truth. And it was too much for him to handle. 


"It is true that 2 years ago I did vote for you because I thought you were the most qualified candidate. ...But I really think it says something that when you go to Washington after saying you were an independent voice and you were going to work across the aisle and achieve legislation for this district that 2 years later you've done such a bad job that I'm running against you."