October 1, 2017 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

In Leesburg, Gillespie Falsely Claims That His Tax Plan Won’t Cut Public School Funding. The Truth is His Plan Would Create a $22.7 Million Shortfall in Loudoun County Alone.

by Democratic Party of Virginia

In Leesburg, Gillespie Falsely Claims That His Tax Plan Won’t Cut Public School Funding. The Truth is His Plan Would Create a $22.7 Million Shortfall in Loudoun County Alone.

As Governor, Gillespie Would Slash Funding for Public Education Gillespie’s Tax Cut Would Cut $252 Per Student in Loudoun County

At an InformED event today in Leesburg, Ed Gillespie once again touted his support for private school vouchers and falsely claimed that his tax plan would not cut funding to public schools.

The truth is Gillespie’s policy agenda would devastate funding for our public schools — and jeopardize our children’s future.

According to a new study by the Virginia Education Association, Gillespie’s tax cuts for the rich would cut funding per student by $252 in Loudoun County alone. The result of those dramatic cuts would cripple Loudoun’s public schools — resulting in a $22,726,997 hole in the school’s budget.

Gillespie’s education policies would bring the Trump-DeVos agenda of massive tax cuts for the rich, private school vouchers and dramatic cuts to education to Virginia.

“Today, Ed Gillespie completely misled Virginians about the disastrous impact his tax cuts for the rich would have on Loudoun students,” said DPVA spokesperson Kevin Donohoe. “Gillespie’s tax plan would devastate funding for public schools in Loudoun County and across the commonwealth — leading to larger class sizes and lower quality of education. While millionaires and billionaires get a windfall, our students, parents and teachers would be forced to pay the price.”