October 17, 2019 News & Press Releases

Democratic Party of Virginia Mourns The Loss of Former DPVA Chairman, Delegate Alan Diamonstein

by Democratic Party of Virginia

Democratic Party of Virginia Mourns The Loss of Former DPVA Chairman, Delegate Alan Diamonstein

RICHMOND, VA - Democratic Party of Virginia Chairwoman Susan Swecker released the following statement today upon the news that former Delegate and DPVA Chairman Alan Diamonstein passed away: 

"Last night we lost a Virginia political legend. Alan A. Diamonstein passed away at his home in Newport News with his wife, Beverly, at his side. For those who were fortunate enough to have had Alan in their lives as a friend, mentor, and counselor, you know how special that was. I was one of those people. He was still giving me advice and counsel until these last weeks, especially about how to win back the House of Delegates. Alan loved our Commonwealth and served Virginia for so many years in the House of Delegates. And he so loved the Democratic Party - serving as House Democratic Caucus Chair, State Party Chairman, Chair of the Southern Caucus of the Democratic National Committee and fundraiser extraordinaire.

Alan loved people and it showed - his passion for our Party’s values and principles played a key role in the resurgence of the modern Virginia Democratic Party. And he made it fun along the way. There are no words to convey how much he will be missed but today a grateful Democratic Party reaffirms our commitment to our Democratic values in his honor." 
