March 17, 2023 News & Press Releases

GOP State Senate Candidates Endorse Bringing Guns To School

by Democratic Party of Virginia

RICHMOND, VA – During a forum of GOP contenders for the SD-12 Virginia Senate seat, it was widely agreed by the candidates (Sen. Amanda Chase, Sen. Glen Sturtevant, and Tina Ramirez) that Virginia’s school children should be permitted to bring weapons of war into the classroom.

Each of the three candidates opposed common sense gun safety legislation, like universal background checks and regulations on homemade guns. Then, as reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch, when Tina Ramirez was asked about guns in public buildings, she said “there shouldn’t be any gun-free zones.”

Both Ramirez and Senator Chase were asked about carrying guns in schools, and both agreed that there should be no restrictions on bringing guns into schools.

“Republicans have made it clear, time and again, that they want guns in schools. There are no gun safety regulations that they will accept, no matter how many of our children are killed,” said Liam Watson, Press Secretary for the Democratic Party of Virginia. “Virginians of all backgrounds support reasonable gun safety regulations. The Republican Party’s race to the far-right is permanently damaging our ability to protect our children.”
