More Deleted Tweets: John Gray Deletes Apology, Doubles Down On Bigotry

RICHMOND, VA - John Gray, the embattled Republican nominee for Chair of the Board of County Supervisors in Prince William County, has yet to learn his lesson about deleting tweets. After hundreds of his previously deleted tweets - in which he made unabashed racist, homophobic, sexist, and bigoted comments - came out last week, Gray offered a weak apology on Twitter several days ago.
Today, Gray deleted his Twitter apology and posted a new statement on Facebook, vowing to double down and never "succumb to political pressure." But having learned absolutely nothing over the past week, Gray still hasn't realized that deleting a tweet does not make it disappear forever.
In his now-deleted apology, Gray said, "I will not make excuses for these tweets, but rather issue now a sincere apology." It's clear that apology was completely hollow. The bigotry that Gray demonstrated when he made those offensive statements is now a central part of his campaign, not something he feels he needs to hide or apologize for.
Gray's tweets included a wide range of bigotry. For example he:
- Tweeted "Can you imagine being so desperate as to even WANTING to have sex with HRC, more or less even doing the deed with her? OMG. Shrivels me up!,"
- Threatened those who wanted to impeach Trump (who he called "bong and dildo holders") with "300 million weapons and an estimated 2 billion rounds of ammo"
- Said that African Americans would stop “rioting” and take a knee if someone played the national anthem