August 22, 2016 News & Press Releases · Press Releases and Announcements

PREVIEW: Washington Insider Ed Gillespie to Hold Event With Carly Fiorina

by Democratic Party of Virginia

Tomorrow, Washington Insider Ed Gillespie is hosting a discussion on the economy and job creation with Carly Fiorina - a failed Republican presidential candidate who's best known for laying off 30,000 workers during her tenure at Hewitt Packard (HP).

This is the second time Gillespie has relied on a national Republican to carry his message: earlier this year, he held an event with Governor Nikki Haley - who insulted the economic success Virginians have had in creating 146,000 new jobs in the face of sequestration, all while her own state's unemployment sits at 5.2%. And next month, Gillespie's importing another failed presidential candidate to carry his message, Governor Scott Walker, who boasts a 59% disapproval rating.

Ed Gillespie is employing a very clear national political strategy, with little regard for Virginia's economic progress. See for yourself:

Gillespie's strategy #1: Importing out-of-state national Republicans to insult Virginia's economic progress:

  • Last "discussion," Ed Gillespie brought Governor Nikki Haley to the Commonwealth - who proceeded to insult Virginians' economic progress. Notably, Nikki Haley claimed that Virginia's economy has taken a "nose-dive" under Governor McAuliffe - a claim that was debunked by the Roanoke Times Editorial Board.
  • Under Governor McAuliffe's leadership Virginia has made great economic progress:
    • 3.7 percent unemployment rate - lowest since 2008
    • 147,700 jobs created
    • 28 straight months of job growth
    • Rated top 5 for labor supply, regulatory environment, quality of life by Forbes
    • Under Governor McAuliffe, Virginia is welcoming and inclusive with leadership who protects women's access to healthcare and LGBT equality

Gillespie's strategy #2: Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Ed Gillespie's decision to host a second economic discussion with another national Republican again illustrates his very clear, nationally-focused political strategy. But, it also reveals his vulnerabilities:

  • It makes very little sense to host a discussion on "job creation" with Carly Fiorina -  someone who has earned the status as one of the "Worst American CEOs of all Time," and  who oversaw the layoff of 30,000 employees during her tenure at HP.
  • This is especially true since Ed Gillespie has a corporate image problem: he made a fortune lobbying for Enron - a company responsible for the largest corporate fraud in American history that left thousands of employees out of work.

Gillespie's strategy #3: Dodge the elephant in the room:
Ed Gillespie has repeatedly expressed his support for Donald Trump. However, even as his national Republican comrades have stepped up to the plate and condemned Trump after he insulted a qualified judged, demeaned women, and mocked a disabled reporter, Gillespie has refused to condemn Donald Trump - even as he insulted a Gold Star Family from Virginia, a family he wants to represent as Governor.